Hover over this tab for a more in-depth look at our previous performances!
Previous Performances:
Elves on Show!
Alice in Wonderland Jr
The Big One-Oh!
Ipswich Junior Music Eisteddfod
Rosewood Show
Christmas in Ipswich at Nicholas Street Precinct
The Whitehill Carols
Hard the Herald Angels Fling! – Ipswich Seniors Concert
Madagascar Jr
SPARK Ipswich – Featured Artists
Ipswich Junior Music Eisteddfod
A Giggle of Geese
Suncare Lakes Retirement Village Carols
Ipswich Seniors Concert
Christmas in Ipswich at Nicholas Street Precinct
Shrek the Musical Jr
SPARK Ipswich
Ipswich Junior Dance Eisteddfod
Ipswich Junior Music Eisteddfod
Mother’s Day Musical Theatre Evening
Once Upon a Shoe
Christmas in Ipswich at d’Arcy Doyle Place
Christmas Event at Tivoli Drive In Theatre
Songs Around the World
Mother’s Day High Tea
The Little Mermaid Jr
Fusion Jukebox
Musical Theatre Extravaganza with Sounds of Studio 188
Australian Day Citizenship Ceremony
Christmas Wonderland at Nerima Gardens
Christmas Wonderland at Queens Park
Milford Grange Nursing Home Carols
Obsessed with Broadway
Australian Citizenship Ceremony
Silkstone Eisteddfod
Trivia Night
Fusion Arts Launch Party
Mother’s Day Soiree
Ipswich Festival Parade